Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ahmad Ismail a Racist Bastard !!!

Ahmad Ismail has successfully deviated the entire issue. Now he is saying that he is only defending his race. Who attacked his race for him to defend? For him to defend , he must see someone attacking his race. In his case he is the attacker as well as defender. It is own goal scenario. He is trying to fool the whole country. A stern warning from the Rakayat, "We cannot be fooled anymore my dear". This is not your kampung politics. This is a multinational Malaysia. No one race is superior to the rest.A message to you Ahmad, you are suffering from Inferiority Complex and shall I classified as "Severe Irreversible Inferiority Syndromme"( SIIS ), terminal stage.You are not Hero for Malays but Zero to Rakyat Malaysia.


Racist Ahmad Ismail Of UMNO Penang

The name Ahmad Ismail has printed an inerasable image in every Malaysian especially in the hearts of non-Malays for his irresponsible remarks that implicate Malaysian Chinese as an " immigrants". This statement will not go well with Malaysia after 51 tears of independence. He is not only racist and arrogant but very dangerous creature that living in Malaysia. He is not fit be in Malaysia as all of us are peace loving Rakyat. He in his press conference on 8th Sept 2008 had blow the racial heat that could destroy the unity of Malaysia. As he is a treat to National Security, ISA should be used immediately to arrest him unconditionally. On top of that Pak Lah and "big mouth" Syed Hamid Albar should consider revoking his citizenship. He is not fit to be a Malaysian. In addition, all those he supported him in the press conference and the guy who tore down Dr.Koh Tsu Koon's potret should be sacked from UNMO immediately.

These measures should be taken as Ahmad Ismail is trying to hide his mistake by pulling in all the innocent Malays and Muslims throughout the country to his defence. This is his mistake and he should defend himself. Don't bring other Malays and Islam into his personal issue. He clearly shows that he is stupid, racist, unreasonable, failed to respect his own BN leader and he potrayed himself as a traitor of Malaysian unity. He should be punished !!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What a dentist can do only a dentist can do.

Saturday February 16, 2008 ( STAR )

I REFER to the letter ‘Dental visits a pain in the pocket’ (The Star, Feb 13). The dental treatment charges in Malaysia are well regulated by the Medical Practice Division, of the Health Ministry under the Private HealthCare Facilities and Services Act 1998 (Act 586).

This act is well supported by Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners’ Association and Malaysian Dental Association.

Dental practitioners’ in the private sector whether they are GPs or Specialists are well trained in this aspect and are supposed to adhere and practise dentistry according to these guidelines.

The healthcare clients (new terminology for patients) have their own rights. Under the Act, they have all the rights to know about the charges and treatment procedures.

If they do not feel satisfied with the dentist, there is the “Grievances Mechanism” in clinics to address the issue under the Act.

The writer also said that the dental surgeons were not well versed in drugs.

The second year of dental course covers pharmacology.

In fact, dental surgeons can treat Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (sore throat) that is a common disease treated by medical practitioners.

The third year covers subjects of general surgery and general medicine.

The syllabus clearly shows that dental surgeons are on par with their medical counterparts.

Another accusation by the writer is that implantologists are not well trained and medical GPs can place implants.

This is a joke!

My sincere advice to him is, please look at your backyard.

There are a lot of illegal and incompetent medical practitioners. Try to rectify that.

We have our own professional body to regulate competency.

In conclusion, I feel the writer was wrong in all his statements and figures.

He was too emotional in expressing his opinion and created an increase in dental phobia among dental patients.

One important phenomenon that everyone must realise is that: “What a dentist can do only a dentist can do.”

Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners’ Association.