Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ahmad Ismail a Racist Bastard !!!

Ahmad Ismail has successfully deviated the entire issue. Now he is saying that he is only defending his race. Who attacked his race for him to defend? For him to defend , he must see someone attacking his race. In his case he is the attacker as well as defender. It is own goal scenario. He is trying to fool the whole country. A stern warning from the Rakayat, "We cannot be fooled anymore my dear". This is not your kampung politics. This is a multinational Malaysia. No one race is superior to the rest.A message to you Ahmad, you are suffering from Inferiority Complex and shall I classified as "Severe Irreversible Inferiority Syndromme"( SIIS ), terminal stage.You are not Hero for Malays but Zero to Rakyat Malaysia.


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