Monday, May 19, 2008
UMNO and the Government ?
The resignation of former PM and UMNO President Tu Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, clearly show that there is a peet fire in UMNO. The is lost of confidence in Pak Lah and Najib. Pak Lah who is self appointed sleeping beauty and Najib who has created Cyclone Najib ( Not Cylone Narqis ), alsways showed their weakness in the process of running the country. Their decision on handling HINDRAF issue, temple demolition, Terengganu incident and many more to name, clearly shows their political immaturity and self-centered attitude. A lot of issues are still pending. C4 usage, who authorised? Judges illegal appointment, indelible ink issue etc all put the goverment which is controled by UMNO at stake. The Rakyat has lost the confidence. Police force is heavily used for the benefit of ruling government to intimidate the public. Education sytem is corrupted and double standard sytem is used in awarding seats in the university. The divide and rule concept is still used to cheat the rakyat. Where we are leading? Until unless a "surgeon" is appointed to operate and remove the cancerous disease of Malaysia, we will die prematurely. May God Bless my Nation.
UMNO's stability in stake!!
The resignation of former PM and UMNO pResident Tu Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, clearly show the there is peet fire in UMNO. The is lost of confidence in Pak Lah and Najid. Pak Lah who is self appointed sleeping beauty and Najib who has created Cyclone Najib ( Not Cylone Narqis ), alsways showed their weakness in the process of running the country. Their decision on handling HINDRA issue, temple demolition, Terengganu incident and many more to name clearly shows their political immaturity and self-centered attitude. A lot of issues are still pending. C4 usage, who authorised? Judges illegal appointment, indelible ink issue etc all put the goverment which is controled by UMNO at stake. The Rakyat has lost the confidence. Police force is heavily used for the benifit of ruling government to intimidate the public. Education sytem is corupted and double standard sytem is used in awarding seats in the university. The divide and rule concept is still used to cheat the rakyat. Where we are leading? Until unless a "surgeon" is appointed to operate and remove the cancerour disease on Malaysia, we will die prematurely. May God Bless my Nation.
What is Seditious Act?
Under Section 3(1) of the Sedition Act those acts defined as having a seditious tendency are acts:
(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any ruler or against any government;
(b) to excite the subjects of the ruler or the inhabitants of any territory governed by any government to attempt to procure in the territory of the ruler or governed by the government, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;
(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Malaysia or in any state;
(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the ruler of any state or amongst the inhabitants of Malaysia or of any state;
(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia; or
(f) to question any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of part III of the Federal Constitution or Article 152, 153 or 181 of the Federal Constitution.
But is Malaysia, what ever you say or write against the government is seditious and whatever the seditious remark from government is immune to the abovesaid act. That's Malaysia. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!
(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any ruler or against any government;
(b) to excite the subjects of the ruler or the inhabitants of any territory governed by any government to attempt to procure in the territory of the ruler or governed by the government, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;
(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Malaysia or in any state;
(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the ruler of any state or amongst the inhabitants of Malaysia or of any state;
(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia; or
(f) to question any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of part III of the Federal Constitution or Article 152, 153 or 181 of the Federal Constitution.
But is Malaysia, what ever you say or write against the government is seditious and whatever the seditious remark from government is immune to the abovesaid act. That's Malaysia. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!
Ketuanan Rakyat!!
Penggunaan ketuanan Melayu dan Ketuanan Rakyat pada hemat saya adalah definisi istilah yang diguna dalam konteks yang berbeza, namun dalam konteks di Malaysia kedua-duanya digunakan dan sedang diaplikasikan sekarang ini sekalipun. Pada hemat saya selagi kita menggunakan demokrasi ala Raja berpelembagaan kedua-dua istilah ini tetap diguna dalam konteks dualism. Ketuanan Melayu dengan Raja-raja Melayu sebagai ketua yang tidak diganggu gugat oleh sistem demokrasi sekalipun. Sebagai contoh sama ada BN menang atau PR menang Raja adalah tetap raja dan tiada siapa yang boleh mencabar. Raja berada di luar gelanggang sebagai pemberi anugerah kepada sesiapa yang menang dalam pertandingan di dalam gelanggang.Sedangkan ketuanan rakyat jelas adalah menunjukkan sistem demokrasi pada bahagian yang lain dalam konteks Malaysia. ini bermaksud rakyat merupakan tuan dalam negara demokrasi, mereka yang menentukan siapa yang berhak untuk menjadi ketua mereka. Sebab itu, dalam konteks demokrasi, ketua yang dipilih oleh rakyat sewajarnya tidak boleh sombong dan bongkak kerana mereka dipilih oleh rakyat. begitu juga harta negara adalah harta rakyat melalui kutipan cukai dan hasil bumi negara dan bukanlah harta milik orang yang dipilih oleh rakyat. Justeru, dalam konteks ini jelas sebenarnya rakyatlah tuan dan pemimpin adalah hamba kepada rakyat. Ini kerana rakyat yang memilih dan rakyat yang mewakilkan harta mereka untuk digagihkan secara amanah untuk kesejahteraan mereka kembali. Satu contoh yang paling mudah difahami seperti seorang kaya yang memilih seseorang untuk mewakilinya bagi menjalankan perniagaannya. Orang kaya itu berhak memilih siapa yang dikehendakinya, kemudian dibuat perjanjian mulut atau penjanjian rasmi bagi melaksanakan tanggungjawab orang diwakilkan itu. sudah tentu orang kaya adalah tuan sedangkan orang diwakilkan walaupun dia mengurus siang dan malam, tetap harta yang diuruskan adalah harta orang kaya tersebut. harta dia hanyalah gaji yang diberikan oleh orang kaya tersebut. Pada masa ini, jika orang orang diwakili sudah mula naik tocang dan menggunakan harta tuannya tanpa amanah, rasuah, pecah amanah, khianat dan menganggap harta tuannya seperti hartanya sendiri. pada masa ini adakah orang kaya itu dianggap bersalah jika membuang orang diwakilkan itu dan digantikan dengan orang lain yang lebih telus, amanah, berdidikasi dan bertakwa.Berdasarkan contoh di atas, dalam konteks negara demokrasi, rakyat adalah ketua yang memilih dan memiliki harta negara sedangkan orang yang dipilih yang diberi nama dengan YB, Tan Sri, Datuk atau sebagainya sebenarnya hamba kepada orang yang memilih mereka. Adakah salah bagi tuan (rakyat) untuk membuang hambanya yang dah naik tocang, menggunakan harta rakyat macam harta sendiri, boros, tidak amanah, khianat kepada bangsa, agama, budaya dan bahasa rakyatnya, sombong, bongkak, pengrasuah, kronisme, nepotisme dan bermacam-macam lagi. Sebab itu kedua-dua istilah "ketuanan Melayu dan Ketuanan Rakyat" adalah diguna dalam konteks negara kita yang disayangi ini.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Excessive and unnecessary use of Public Fund!!
Putrajaya, what is the relevant when some the rakyat can't even get proper daily meal. Public fund was used lavishly to fullfil the so called leader of the country's own need. Why should we spent so much money to build up such a glory filled capital city when the poor Dusun people in Kg. Lumagar can afford only tapioca for lunch. Is the country meant for the rakyat or for the elected representatives. These so called leaders are behaving in moronic way in Parliament house. And all they deserve is nice capital city called Putrajaya. The entire sytem of Malaysian government should be reorganised and every cent spent should be accounted for. A special committe to oversea the public fund spending should be formed independantly and members should be the public who is actually paying the salary of the so called leaders of the country. Only then we can see the accountable and transparent. For the time being, we are still in the primitive level in terms of running the country. Buck up!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Double standard Education system
It is really sad story that the government under the pretext of Meritocracy, imposing double standard in selecting students for overseas renown universities. It was reported not long ago that the students with 9As will be offerred PSD scholarship for education at the choice of the students in overseas universities. But things are nota s promised. It was merely a political speech and promise but irresponsible minister of officers of higher strata. Where is the justice? Where is the equality? where is the meritocracy policy? In Malaysia things will be only in papers and promises by these political jargons are words written on the surface of water which will disappear instantly.
For that matter, selection of students into local varsities does not follow the real meritocracy system as they always claimed.A Non-Bumiputera student who has gone through the tough Form 6 education will be put to compete with a bumiputera student who is from Matriculation. In Matriculation course, the student will be taught by the same teacher who set the exams question and mark his performance. Whereas in Form 6, teacher X will teach him, Mr.Y will set the questio and Mr.Z will mark his papers. And worse thing is the Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia will determine the grades of the students according to the graph. To make things worse, the MPM members are mostly or shall I say 100% are Bumiputera employees. will there be justice in the system?
My conclusion is the entire education system in Malaysia should be revamp and don't let the douyble standard concept invade into the education system. It is bad for country and future generation. Think carefully!!
For that matter, selection of students into local varsities does not follow the real meritocracy system as they always claimed.A Non-Bumiputera student who has gone through the tough Form 6 education will be put to compete with a bumiputera student who is from Matriculation. In Matriculation course, the student will be taught by the same teacher who set the exams question and mark his performance. Whereas in Form 6, teacher X will teach him, Mr.Y will set the questio and Mr.Z will mark his papers. And worse thing is the Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia will determine the grades of the students according to the graph. To make things worse, the MPM members are mostly or shall I say 100% are Bumiputera employees. will there be justice in the system?
My conclusion is the entire education system in Malaysia should be revamp and don't let the douyble standard concept invade into the education system. It is bad for country and future generation. Think carefully!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Loyalty to King and Country.
To all the rakyat, always remember Rukunegara and we will not go wrong. The recent controversy with regards to YB Karpal Singh's statement that he shows disrespect to the Perak Royalty and also the entire cMonarch System of Malaysia. Something really smell fishy somewhere. The same UMNO guys including Pak Lah and AG who condenmed the appointment of Terengganu MB and Perlis MB were not subjected for sedition and treason at all. The learned AG, who is supposed to refrained from political discussion put his brainless head to comment some nonsensical input into the politically motivated and charged discussion. Aren't he aware of the SeditionAct and Treason? My dear rakyat, please always aware that the current political situation will confuse everyone of you. Be rational and alert always.
Malaysia for Malaysian!!
With the current post Election Tsunami, those politicians who lost the election are jobless and as they always lived in public glory, they prefer to be blogger. One of the classical example is Saudara Khir Toyo. He was anti-blogger once upon a time but he is a blogger himself now. This is typical chameleon attitute of a politician; transforming the self according to situation and place.
I will be happy if these guys could do good things to the rakyat by being blogger. Unfortunately, they are trying to show their skin colour as politician while being a blogger. But they forget to understand that the rakyat is not stupid anymore. The voted selflessly crossing the religious, ethnicity and racial border to be known only as Malaysian. I should congratulate our Rakyat for being so wise. Syabas!! To all of you. The politicians under the pretext of boggers trying very hard to blow the racial fire and we the rakyat must aware the consequences of carried away with their ulterior motives. At the end of the day they will use the concept of Divide and Rule which is the remnant of the Colonialization Era to manage us. One thing for sure; they will fail tremendously. To my Muslim and Non-muslim friends, be one and always one. After all, all of us share the same ancestors, Adam and Eve. Lets unite and strive for the betterment of our motherland, Malaysia. MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!
I will be happy if these guys could do good things to the rakyat by being blogger. Unfortunately, they are trying to show their skin colour as politician while being a blogger. But they forget to understand that the rakyat is not stupid anymore. The voted selflessly crossing the religious, ethnicity and racial border to be known only as Malaysian. I should congratulate our Rakyat for being so wise. Syabas!! To all of you. The politicians under the pretext of boggers trying very hard to blow the racial fire and we the rakyat must aware the consequences of carried away with their ulterior motives. At the end of the day they will use the concept of Divide and Rule which is the remnant of the Colonialization Era to manage us. One thing for sure; they will fail tremendously. To my Muslim and Non-muslim friends, be one and always one. After all, all of us share the same ancestors, Adam and Eve. Lets unite and strive for the betterment of our motherland, Malaysia. MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!
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