Monday, May 19, 2008

UMNO's stability in stake!!

The resignation of former PM and UMNO pResident Tu Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, clearly show the there is peet fire in UMNO. The is lost of confidence in Pak Lah and Najid. Pak Lah who is self appointed sleeping beauty and Najib who has created Cyclone Najib ( Not Cylone Narqis ), alsways showed their weakness in the process of running the country. Their decision on handling HINDRA issue, temple demolition, Terengganu incident and many more to name clearly shows their political immaturity and self-centered attitude. A lot of issues are still pending. C4 usage, who authorised? Judges illegal appointment, indelible ink issue etc all put the goverment which is controled by UMNO at stake. The Rakyat has lost the confidence. Police force is heavily used for the benifit of ruling government to intimidate the public. Education sytem is corupted and double standard sytem is used in awarding seats in the university. The divide and rule concept is still used to cheat the rakyat. Where we are leading? Until unless a "surgeon" is appointed to operate and remove the cancerour disease on Malaysia, we will die prematurely. May God Bless my Nation.

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